They then proceeded to watch the music video for "Chop Suey!" while Rubin bopped along and marveled at what System of a Down had accomplished. Why have you forsaken me?' It's wild… The context, it doesn't really make sense to what's going on, it's rad." Hide the scars to fade away the shake up, you. Grab a brush and put a little makeup, you wanted to. Hide the scars to fade away the (hide the scars to fade away the) Whyd you leave the keys upon the table (Here you go) create another fable, you wanted to. "It's the part, 'Father, into your hands. Wake up (wake up) Grab a brush and put a little make up. Rogan followed up by asking what part Rubin was talking about specifically, and Rubin took a second to think before the words came to him. "He opened it, first phrase he sees: that's what's in the song, and it's a highpoint in the song. So I said, 'OK, pick a book off the wall.' He picked a book randomly off the wall, I said, 'open it to any page tell me the first phrase you see.' "And we're sitting in the library in my old house and he said 'I don't have words for this' and we were finishing and it's like, OK. You know that song? It has this big bridge section in it where Serj , lyric writer - the singer - didn't have words for this one part of the song. "My experience is, when you are open and looking for these clues in the world, they're happening all the time," Rubin said. "And they're happening, often right when you need them… This System Of A Down song called 'Chop Suey!'… I think. “Chop Suey!” was removed from the radio for a brief time as Clear Channel and promoters thought it too aggressive considering the circumstances.During a new interview on the Joe Rogan Experience, Rubin recalled a time in the studio during the Toxicity sessions when Tankian needed a lyric to fill out that aforementioned section of the song, but couldn't muster up the inspiration in his own brain. Chop Suey Lyrics: Dalyb, dalyb, dalyb / Nieo ti poviem / Mme to v pii / Haha Crew / Mme to v pii / Swagujeme na nich / Ou o, o, o / o je / ereme Chop Suey / Ptam sa o je. In the days after 9/11, US media conglomerate Clear Channel sent a memo to each of its radio stations with a list of questionable songs that programmers and DJs might want to consider not playing in the wake of the 9/11 attack.

While the song would eventually receive a gold certification status from the Recording Industry Association, the song’s initial charting success was cut short. The title stands out and is not mentioned at all in the lyrics, but the strange choice is believed to have helped the song’s success. While seemingly random, the group chose the title to describe their musical style: lots of stuff thrown together.
Chop suey lyrics genius plus#
The title of the song is named after a Chinese stew made with meat or fish, plus bamboo sprouts, onions, rice, and water chestnuts. “Like, if I were to die from a drug overdose, everyone would say I deserved it because I abused drugs, hence the line Angels deserve to die.” So… What exactly is chop suey? The meaning behind the song title. “The song is about how when people die, they will be regarded differently depending on the way they pass,” said Malakian. to claim), Weather Bird, Wild Man Blues, Cornet Chop Suey, Don't Forget to Mess Around, and more. When will Eartheater release Chop Suey Who wrote Chop Suey by Eartheater Powders (2023) Eartheater 1. Hence the line, 'I cry when angels deserve to die. Like, if I were now to die from drug abuse, they might say I deserved it because I abused dangerous drugs. Malakian said that people judge others for how they pass, especially if due to any drug-related issues. The Genius of Louis Armstrong Gary Giddins. Overview In an interview, Daron Malakian explained, 'The song is about how we are regarded differently depending on how we pass. Let’s make them believe we actually did it.’”ĭespite the assumptions, the song was intended to make a comment on the ways that people die. “ ‘Self-righteous suicide’, ‘Aerials in the sky’, Jet Pilot.’ I was, like, ‘Wow, that’s cool they think that. “Our fans were starting to say, ‘Hey, these guys are prophets, they’re saying things that hadn’t happened yet,’” says Malakian. Frontman Serg Tankian’s energy on the verses comes out in righteous anger before slowing down to the half-time lines that would ignite the controversy. The song begins with an iconic, driving chord progression before the rapid-fire chaos of the verses unfolds. As bold a move as it was to release this as a single, it solidified the group’s breakout hit. “Chop Suey!” comes from the band’s second album, Toxicity. I just started playing that acoustic guitar, and that’s when I started writing Chop Suey!” The Controversy “There was an acoustic guitar I used to take around with me. “I was just hanging out by myself on a bed at the back,” said Malakian.